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7th and 8th Grade Art

Students have art for one semester in either 7th or 8th grade. During this time, students create approximately eight projects using a variety of materials, techniques, and processes in 2-Dimensional Design and 3-Dimensional Design. In this course, students have the opportunity to explore the world through their art making. During the first few days of class students are issued a “passport” with a map of the world and a travel/art making itinerary. Each unit of study focuses on a different region of the world. Each region will have a particular focus for materials, techniques, and processes of art used, but students will have flexibility and choice with the subject matter that they use within their work. The goal of this course is to create art that is inspired by the diversity of art, culture, and nature that exists within the world we live in.


I use culturally responsive teaching practices in order to provide students a comprehensive, multidimensional, and relevant art curriculum. This curriculum has been designed with the intention to humbly investigate regions of the world and acknowledge that not everyone and everything in this world will necessarily be represented. As we explore each region of the world I will create a safe space for students to talk about bias and stereotypes as they surface, and encourage students to raise questions as we construct knowledge. My aim is to develop awareness, foster respect, and spark curiosity for the world that we live in through the creation of visual art. 

Course Description

Click on the world map  for currriculum resources and photos of student artwork.

Geography Games
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