Project 8: Coming Home
Project 8: Coming Home
The final project of the "around the world" tour that 7th and 8th graders take is focused coming home and "unpacking" our bags. Students will explore the links below and reflect upon the regions of the world they encountered. Students will have the opportunity to discuss their reflections in small groups and with the whole class. We will discuss the concept of the cultural iceberg, and how, through our “travels”, we have only just begun to touch the surface of the many cultures within our world. We will recognize that although the regions of the world that we have explored have many wonderful aspects, there are also many inequities that still exist. We will then discuss what social justice means and how art can be used to create change in our world. Students will then create a piece of art that brings attention to a social justice issue that they feel passionate about or a piece of art that connects to their personal identity.
Links to information that connect to this project. This includes:
Click on links below:

Social Justice Images Slide Show